

here, i'm already here


all that is born, all that is created, all the elements of nature are interwoven and united with each other.
i am always here, we were always too, we were never separated in this vast expanse of life
here is a drawing above constructed to picture the intangibility of interconnectivity

what a liberation to realize the awareness 
or the emotion or sense perception—happens."
— Tolle, Eckhart. “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

we are liberated yet we need each other, 
we desire closure, a bondage not knowing we are interconnected, 
blinded by reality

i've grab hold of you, you're not leaving

the stills of the movie 'gravity' i've enjoyed it very much
properties of space
combustion, destruction, explosion, 
life's determination 

i feel very much alive & present, life and it's total abstraction x


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