
peaceful saturday

peaceful saturday

we've been shifted constantly in and about with daily chores
appointments and schedules to catch up with, 
we experience body-lag alike jet-lag
where one might feel extreme discomfort and dissatisfaction with one self
common causes of which are tiredness, depressing, un-energectic, listless

this helps me to stay still and in presence with myself from all
personally i do not sit and meditate ..nor do i perform yoga or go to temples 
and churches to serve god to reach for faith and receive spiritual blessings

Leon Spilliaert 
Belgian symbolist painter

'as we experiences self time differently in various modes
this is one of it with visual (mental) and sound, 
immersion into total comfort..
home.. unification'

pure harmonious sound of nature from the crickets slowed down.

god's chorus of cricket

full length of the sound recorded.

angelic chorus you hear accompanying the sound of the crickets.

this recording can be played continuously in the background 
to create a natural soothing atmosphere for calming and healing.
this recording has been created by Jim Wilson.

peaceful saturday,


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